Sunday, January 22, 2006

The Day Has Arrived

It is time to shove off for Chennai.

I can't speak for Neil but let's see if I'm ready:
  • Packed enough clothes to move a family of four to Chennai - Check
  • Have enough electronic equipment to take down the Power Grid - Check.
  • Worred that the movie on the flight to Paris will star Ben Affleck - Check.
Looks like I'm ready.

With all my electronic equipment I should become very knowledgeable about all the myriad combinations of electrical outlets that 'Google ' has graciously informed me I should expect. If you get anything from this blog hopefully it will be the ability to take just the right adapter plugs to light up Chennai. (I dream big).

I am not an early adopter of technology, even though I work in the field, and so programs that are ho-hum to many are like fire from the Gods to me. Skype is currently occupying that space for me. For those who don't know Skype is a Peer-to-peer Voice over IP software product (whew, that's a lot of buzzwords). I'm hoping to use it in Chennai to call back to the U.S. . We'll see how that works. More reports on that later.

On a more serious note, I'm going to miss B and K like crazy. I have never spent this much time away from either of them. K doesn't quite understand that I'll be going for any length of time so I suspect Mom will be fielding about a 100 'When is Dad getting home' questions a day. This is by far the toughest part of the trip for me.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thankfully, Pete, you packed your sense of humor - I suspect that will be your most valuable baggage.

I remember when we went to Michigan with Mom to visit her parents while Dad stayed behind. We were quite young - some of us were K's age. When we got back (I don't know how long the trip was) some of us didn't want anything to do with Dad. I suspect that was momentary, but disconcerting for Dad.

For me, the success of a plane ride (after a successful landing, of course)is always the food and the movie. I've heard food is no longer much of an attraction in the states, but maybe the international flights still take some pride in their cuisine. Good luck on both accounts!

2:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Neil and Pete,

Bon voyage! Maria and I will be following your great Indian adventure. I'm sure that you will have many interesting stories. Oh, by the way, I understand that Keanu Reeves is huge in India. Perhaps during your flight you'll have an opportunity to tap into the "best of Keanu." Take care.


5:03 PM  

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