Wednesday, February 01, 2006

A Big Thanks

I wanted to give a big thanks to Terry for coming over to St. Louis this past weekend. Both Becky and I really appreciate it. You were a big help and made it easier on me for being away. Becky really enjoyed the Vegas wedding video. Can't wait to see it myself.

History has shown that Murphy's Law kicks in with regards to Kieran everytime that Becky or I leave town. This time has proven no exception. Becky has had one trip to the Emergency Room (Kieran's first) when Kieran fell on the playground and bit through his tongue. He is recovering nicely but sent a scare into Becky. There is no more helpless feeling than being a half a world away when something like that happens. Kieran has also had one trip to his normal pediatrician with a fever. Hang in there Becky.

Here's a picture going back over a year and a half but it's one of my favorites...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, Pete. Terry (who's in Columbia, MO today) loved it. You have to admit that your son is pretty cute. And we have vivid memories of that second pregnancy--as Ellen pointed out on one of our family calls, you have the dual challenge of pregnancy and rambunctious first child! Sorry about Kieran's tongue--Devin did the same thing playing soccer, and I can say for the record that nothing is initially more frightening and ultimately not-so-serious (tongues are made for healing).

Along with others, I wish you both well "on the beach." Whatever the living conditions, it's always so healing to be close to "big water." That combination of sun, sea, and breezes is a tonic for body and soul.


7:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those trips to the emergency room are pretty devastating. I remember taking Greg to Shodair - when it was still a children's hospital - to get his head stitched up after falling into the coffee table. It was not pleasant - but we all lived through it. The doctor was an old pediatrician and didn't do such a great job of stitching, so the scar was worse than necessary -but maybe Greg has made up a good story for how he got the wound?

Thanks for the great photo!


9:50 AM  

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